Master Of Innuendo is the hilarious game where you turn innocent movie titles into, ahem, naughtier versions.

Master Of Innuendo logo (a carnival-style face made out of the title of the game) winking

‘Master Of Innuendo will make you laugh even when you think you shouldn’t. You’ll want to play again and again.’ -Tricia H.

Coming to Kickstarter soon! Pop your email in the box to be the first to know when it launches.

Cards: 500, Ages: 17+, Players: 3+

Great for game night, college dorm play, even bachelor/bachelorette parties

Simple to learn

You’ll be playing in less than 5 minutes. See how!

Creative and fun

Players say Master Of Innuendo is “ridiculously funny” and “extremely addictive.” Read more reviews!

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